博仲 綠辦公室 半日遊 Winkler Partners Green Office visits farm

On May 13th, 2011, colleagues from Winkler Partners and members of the Winkler Partners-Ahui CSA visited the farm. They spent part the afternoon visiting Ms. Liu Li-Lan who explained the history of the former military arsenal and the politics behind City of Tucheng's intention to develop this large parcel of land—168 hectares of mostly agricultural and undeveloped land. There is sureto be a political struggle as the City is now making plans to move the jail to this location against the will of some of the current residents.

Several environmental organizations are joining forces to help the local residents, like Ahui, preserve this biologically diverse green space. They include the Green Party, Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association, Butterfly Conservation Society of Taiwan, and Wild Bird Society of Taipei.