2011年3月23日 星期三






美國著名的社區協力農業實踐者Elizabeth Henderson,採用稍微不同的量能付費制度,她的CSA成員有三種價格可以選擇,「一般」股價是(每年)400美金,收入較低者可選擇200美金,收入較高者可選擇600美金。實際運作的結果是她們的CSA計畫每年都可獲得平均400元的收入,剛好足夠計畫運作所需。





Sliding scale fee structure is a way for a business or government agency to charge a fee that suits the ability of the customer or client’s ability or willingness to pay. This practice is relatively common in the US in some businesses and is in fact how the taxation system is structured. In Taiwan, it is also used in taxation and health care e.g., the more you make the more ability you have to support the system.

The main goal of instituting a sliding scale fee option is to make the product or service available to all, or nearly all who seeks it, regardless of income, and still operate a sound business. It is entirely acceptable in a sliding scale fee structure that one person pays a different amount than the next person.

Here are two ways that sliding scale fee option can work.

1. A more structured way:
A business or agency can set up a fee structure according to ability to pay based on income. A customer or client is required to pay a certain amount that the company or agency determines is reasonable for their them, taking into consideration all their needs and abilitiesbottom line. For instance, a person making $25,000 pays $15; $50,000 pays $30; and $100,000 pays $60, etc. This is a common practice in the healthcare system.

2. A much less structured way:
In the US, often at arts events and even an occasional restaurant, the sliding scale means that a person pays what s/he is able to and feels like paying. There is a suggested amount at the door, but one does NOT have to pay that amount. In this system, it is possible that a person of a lower income can actually pay more than a person of higher income. The amount you pay is based on your judgment of how much the product or service you are paying for is worth to you. It is not simply based on your ability to pay. It is also based on the honor system—that people will be honorable and not take advantage of the system, i.e., pay an “unreasonably” low price.

The well known US practitioner of CSA, Elizabeth Henderson’s CSA , offers a slightly different sliding scale fee structure. There are three options from which her CSA shareholders can choose. There is a “regular” share that is around $400. Those with a lower income may choose to pay around $200. Those with higher income can choose to pay $600. She informed us that with everyone paying at the level s/he chooses, the CSA has always been able to get an average of about $400 per share in the end, which is what the CSA requires to operate.

At WP-Ahui CSA, the Core Group would like to suggest that we adopt a version of a sliding scale fee structure that allows us to provide members with high-quality, ultra-fresh organic vegetables at the same time that we obtain a fair price for Ahui. Setting this price has been a laborious process. However, after many hours of discussion and research, the Core Group would like to recommend the following:

WP-Ahui CSA sliding scale fee structure:
A. No change. Pay current base price (the same as the price at the farm): NT$80 per jin
B. Pay suggested CSA price: NT$100 per jin
C. Pay any amount above $80 per jin. ________________________at least one person has stated they will pay the rate that Pierre charges
(This amount is anything above $80, could be $90, or $120 or …)

Comparison of some organic/no-toxin vegetables on the market.
(Prices are shown at per 100g for ease of comparison. For example, Ahui’s price is $80 per jin which is 600g. Each 100g is $13.3) More details are available, if desired.

Per 100g of vegetables (leafy greens) price sold at the farm, or store, NOT delivered

土城 阿輝 無毒 $13.3 (at farm) current price
家樂福 有機 $14 (at store)
新竹 鮮活有機 $14 (at 家樂福)
土城 阿輝 無毒 $16.7 (at CSA) suggested price
花蓮 壽豐無毒 $16-18 (website price, delivery extra)
烏來 福山 $18 (includes delivery, but I'm not 100% sure)
三芝 劉力學 無毒 $32 (at farm)

Reasons why WP-Ahui CSA members would want to buy Ahui’s vegetables.
The vegetables: Four obvious reasons that the vegetables are superior.
1. Ahui’s vegetables are ultra-fresh as they are picked on the same day that they are delivered and travel a very short distance between farm and you. It is likely the freshest and most nutritious you can buy.
2. Ahui’s soil is enriched with compost made with Liu Lixue’s (Pierre Loisel) composting methods using a wide range of food wastes. This compost is also known as “black gold” as it is the best soil amendment there is.
3. No chemical fertilizer or pesticides are ever applied.
4. The soil and vegetables are annually checked by農委會(?) for residues for heavy metals. For the last three years and they have shown amounts much lower than government standards.

Other worthy reasons you might consider:
1. Buying Ahui’s vegetables means supporting a farm just on the outskirts of Taipei city center. You help our metropolis retain more green space. Ahui’s farm provides a safe haven for insects and small animals alike, and hawks and herons are regularly seen flying above.
2. The short distance that the vegetables travel means that you are making a smaller carbon footprint buying these vegetables than those that traveled from Hsinchu, or Changhua, or Pingdong.
3. Ahui took a pay-cut to come back to farm the land at Tucheng Dan-yao-ku which is at risk of being developed by the City of Tucheng. He and his wife are supporting two children both requiring college tuition at this time. Ahui wants to make it financially working as a small organic farmer. By supporting Ahui’s farm, you are supporting the people of Dan-yao-ku area against the city’s push to develop this area, AND helping to keep more small organic farms alive in Taiwan.
4. the Tucheng area of Ahui’s farm is one of the major environmental protection projects for a number of groups in Taiwan, including the Green Party, Wild at Heart, OURS and so on. By supporting the residents of the area we are actually enhancing their ability to resist the developers and corrupt politicians.

In fact the sliding scale idea is very much in line with the WP policy of “we can never pay you enough” as well as the Greens ideas on promoting diversity. Also, take another look if you have time at one of WP’s core books “The Continuum Concept” (although Pierre didn’t care for the book!) where Jean describes her “transaction” involving her receiving sugar cane in an exchange and the supplier kept asking her if she would like more and she kept saying yes until she realized there is a “right price” but it could be different depending on a persons needs and abilities.

